User talk:Chris williamson

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Revision as of 19:06, 13 June 2011 by Mal mckee (Talk | contribs)

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Supercup ---> Supercup Grand Prix

Are they Grands Prix? I struggled with that for ages! lol There are probably a few other page naming problems we should try to sort out. --Mal mckee 14:11, 1 June 2011 (UTC)

Well I considered them Grand Prix, but initally I followed your lead with the xxx Supercup thing. However got told to change it by a certain influential Italian type lol. Chris williamson 15:22, 1 June 2011 (UTC)
Ah, we need more information from that fella! You hold him down on that chair, and I'll plug in the spotlight!
Nice work on the redirects for the teams by the way... another of the list of jobs I had considered doing. If we keep chipping away at it like this, we'll be making good progress. :)
Edit: Although yes - some of us are indeed aware of the Italia.. Spani.. Barcelona Job that needs doing! :P

--Mal mckee 22:45, 7 June 2011 (UTC)

Juha's VWC+Wiki archive

I don't know if you've already worked this out from the edits I made to the 2006 Supercup season page, but I actually found the archive on the Wayback Machine for the old wiki!! We could possibly use a lot of it to fill out this one. I think it was created in 2006/2007, so obviously 2007 to the present is going to be missing. The format and style we've been using here is also slightly different. On the plus side, it might be possible to get some of the functional templates working, if we can access the source for them.

I couldn't access the wiki source code for the 2006 Supercup season page, so I had to use a program called Firebug, which works for Firefox (thanks to Luke for alerting me to it a while ago), and copy the HTML code instead. After that, there's still a lot of work to be done... BUT, it's much less work than having to input all the data itself. For that, I use Find/Replace in Notepad++ (thanks again to Luke!).

Anyway, I managed to get the source for Ryan McConkey's old page and merged it with the skeleton article we already have on him. So here's a couple of Wayback Machine links for you:

--Mal mckee 22:13, 13 June 2011 (UTC)

Good work there Mal! Just a shame that it seems to be rather patchy on what it's recorded and what it hasn't (although still better than nothing!) --Chris williamson 00:01, 14 June 2011 (UTC)

Race results tables

I've started going through the 2011 race reports adding results tables based on the style Mal's used on the 2002 Brazilian Grand Prix page. For this I've setup an excel sheet to convert the results table from the main site into formatted wiki tables in order to save time - if anyone wants a copy of the sheet just let me know. --Chris williamson 00:05, 14 June 2011 (UTC)

Nice one! Yes please! :) --Mal mckee 00:06, 14 June 2011 (UTC)