User talk:William ponissi
Use this page to discuss the main article. The GPVWC Wiki forum topic should be used in preference to this, especially with longer discussions.
Go on then... add more teams!! ;) --Mal mckee 17:55, 17 June 2011 (UTC)
Sorry to bother you; just a quick question on nationality etiquette - I'm doing the car for Vod:Bul right now - am I allowed to use a British flag there against driver's names or should I use a home countries flag? Sorry if this is answered clearly on the forum somewhere, but I couldn't find it easily. Cheers! --Doug hilliard 06:07, 4 February 2013 (EST)
Hey Doug - on the cars you can use pretty much whatever you want. We do not want to offend any sensitivities :P Just mind - in the official results and on the site, we always use Commonwealth Games standard so home countries flags will be used. I assume you are from England, or should I change your flag to something else?