Synergetic Motorsports

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Northern Ireland Synergetic Motorsports
Synergetic Motorsports.png
Full name Synergetic Motorsports
Owner/s Northern Ireland Mal McKee
Base Northern Ireland Belfast, UK
Superleague Team Synergetic Motorsports
Supercup Team Synergetic Motorsports
Formula Challenge Team None
Début -
World Sport Series Team None
Début -
International Touring Cup Team None
Début -

Synergetic Motorsports is a team owned by Mal McKee and based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.

Synergetic was started by Mariano Malisani in 2005. Malisani hired McKee as a driver in that season for the competition which was later to adopt the name Supercup. McKee had sold his team Ultima Racing and hadn't been a manager for a couple of years. With Mariano involved with other concerns, his absence left Mal as caretaker manager for months, before Mariano sold the Synergetic brand to him and McKee became an owner/manager/driver once again. Synergetic entered the Superleague in 2006 at the Canadian Grand Prix.

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Synergetic have entered in the Superleague, Supercup and Masters series.