Connolly Virtual Racing Team

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Australia CVRT
Cvrt logo.png
Full name Connolly Virtual Racing Team
Owner/s Australia Chris Connolly
Base Australia Australia
Superleague Team CVRT
Début Australia Australia 2001
Supercup Team None
Début -
Formula Challenge Team None
Début -
World Sport Series Team None
Début -
International Touring Cup Team None
Début -

Connolly Virtual Racing Team was an Australian GPVWC Superleague constructor and was usually abbreviated to 'CVRT'. CVRT have won the Superleague Drivers' Championship once in their GPVWC history.

CVRT started out in 2000 as the A-Racing Team, under the management of Andrew Dickson. At the start of the 2001 season, Chris Connelly bought over the team assets and re-branded it as CVRT.

The 2002 CVRT Superleague car