With the team only fielding 1 car at the European GP, team boss Dave Cummings explained to the Worlds Press the reasons behind the decision.
We have taken the choice to withdraw Car number 25 from the European Grand Prix due to external problems. We have been going through a time of massive change here at Puma F1 in the last two races which has caused a bit of instability within the team.
We have had to allow Marek to step down from the race position due to personal pressures.
I didn?t perform at Monaco , and I have had to leave the European Grand Prix to a rather unfortunate personal problem which requires my attention, and I think as a mark of respect the team will be wearing black arm bands, during the actual event.
The team have on a much lighter note have signed John Harland and Bernardo Bercht, we are awaiting the Governing Body to okay there signings and hopefully one of them will be racing for us in Canada.
The team is stable and we will have both cars running in Canada.