The main one is that Andy is now studying (Open University) aiming for a Degree in History. I knew that there would be no way I could run the league to the same level as now and study at the same time. My study course actually started (preparatory work) in October 2004, and as a result you no doubt noticed that it took me several days to get a full set of results posted. This definitely confirmed that it was the right decision to find somebody else to carry on the GPVWC / F1VWC mantle.
And so, way back in June 2004, discussions were opened with Kari Koski. I knew that - if he wanted to take it onboard - he would be the man. Kari has been running his GP3 league through various name changes (including the Finnish GP3 League through to the International Grand Prix 3 Championship - the IGP3C), since 2001. I had driven in that league in 2002 and also been involved as a team owner in 2003. He runs a very professional league, and was the only 'perfect fit' that I could see.
And so I indicated to him the scenario, and he grasped the offer with both hands!
My limited knowledge of web sites and web design was non-existent only 2 years ago, and I have taken the F1VWC league site as far as I can . Unfortunately it is a very manually intensive process to update news and results. What Kari also brings is a wealth of web design knowledge, and as a result you will all see a more automated, and user friendly, new F1VWC site in the very near future.
I will continue to oversee the completion of the Gold Cup 2004 Race, and hope to add the last remnants of old results (meaning the 2003 Gold Cup result and - time permitting - testing results for 2002/2003). All of these will be carried forward to the new site, so we shall lose none of our "history". In fact, Kari has been able to extract further data from the results to create more information in a user friendly format.
Because Kari, Willy Ponissi and myself have had several months to discuss the 'take-over', preparations are well under way. The new site - though still being constructed - is online and being tested as I write this. For the Gold Cup 2004 event you will be interacting with it!
But I will not be leaving you!! I will still be running the Phoenix F1 team (expect that website to start rolling again in a basic, less time-consuming format). I have also confirmed with Kari that I will take on the role of 'Finance Manager' for ALL teams in 2005. Furthermore I will remain on the Governing Body, and also in an advisory role to Kari / Willy covering any aspect of the running of the league.
I know that I will hand over the league in its best ever condition. But continuity is key. You've seen how FinOz have performed in their debut 2004 season - attending every event. This confirms Kari's similar traits to outgoing Chief Admin Andy Graydon.
He will take the league forward and I'm sure it will be even more successful in 2005. Fear not - realism (compared to real F1) is paramount in Kari's thoughts too. The tradition will continue.
Kari confirmed the following:-
"When Andy first contacted me about taking over the F1VWC I couldn?t believe it first. I have had gp3 league since summer 2001 (IGP3Champs) and it has been a lot of fun (and work) to run. I made my mind quite quickly about taking over the F1VWC chief admin duties and found good replacement to new IGP3Champs Race Director so I?m ready for the new challenge.
The past year with F1VWC folks it?s been fantastic. I think this league is one of the best out there. What comes to reality this is most realistic league I?ve found and also the level of competition is very high with active team managers to make press releases all the time.
Although there might be new man on command the things will remain relatively same as in 2004 with only some small changes. Main work what I will do is get more automated site with online ?live? results and news and stuff like that - but more about those later on.
To contact me use either mail until we will get the new web hosting and new mails up and running.
My MSN address (Note also new) is now ! (no emails please)."
So, to conclude, the new site is expected to be online from around the beginning of December 2004. The domain name will remain the same ( Discussions are ongoing around the format of the F1VWC 2005 AND the F2VWC 2005 (the new 'background' league). And news will be released when final decisions have been made.
So, I would like to thank EVERYONE who has competed in the league since I initially got involved back in March 2003. It's been an extremely enjoyable year and a half to see you guys battling out for wins, points paying positions, championships - or just simply competing for the fun of it. Stick around, because it's going to get better - trust me!