Straight from F1VWC admin meeting FinOz Racing Manager Kari Koski rushed to the Silverstone track where his team was ready to do shakedown test for their 2005 contender called FO-005.
Car had new aerodynamics and other regulation changes for 2005 season but the engine was old '04 spec customer Ferrari. Team test driver Juha Tanskanen was behind the wheel on sunny but rather cold Silverstone track.
Team Manager had a chat with reporter after Juha Tanskanen had done the laps with the new car:
"I'm very proud to see our car on test track so early. We had a bit of rush with the FO-004 car so it's very good to get new car into track as soon as possible. Our main full scale winter testing start on january, but we will do few short shakedown tests before that."
Juha Tanskanen's comments of the test:
"It was honour to me to drive those first shakedown laps with the new car. The new car was absolutely awesome. After first few laps I could already notice some clear improvements between this new car and the old FO-004 model, the feeling is better, car is aerodynamicly more advanced and especially the balance of the new car is great, I was actually bit amused that how good the balance of the car really was at this point of development. As Kari said earlier this was just first shakedown test of the new car, so it is far too early to do any further analyze than this, but I have to say that I am very optimistic, because if you can notice that the new car is clearly better in few sections at this point of development when compared to the old car after eight laps of driving you can definitely say that we have gone to the right way, but we still have to remember that it is long to go before the season starts we just have to be able to maintain the focus till the end so we can have the best package on the grid when season starts at Melbourne."