Under a sunny sky a few fans saw the secret planned RTT-01VWC chassis shakedown in Magny Cours. The potential driver Fernando Laaff did some laps with RTT GreenVipers contender. Even though it was only a shakedown, the times Ferris was able to put in, are very impressive and let hope for a good season. Totally drove Ferris 25 laps with 3 different chassis.
Team manager Bernhard Boesch seamed to be very pleased and stated following short summary:
?I'm very happy, how the day went down. There were no problems what's so ever with our car. Everything went smooth and the pit crew did a great job, especially with the pit stop practices. On top of it all, we saw a very happy Fernando, who was very impressed with the car. So at the moment everything is going the right direction.?
There is still the unanswered question about the driver line-up. Bernhard to that:
?We'll announce the driver line-up shortly, as soon as I get a moment to finalize all paper work??
More was not to get out of him, but everybody could see him having a long talk with Fernando in the box and there were also some loud laughter to here. So will have to wait and see.