Marcellus Schmidt announced today his decision to leave the GPVWC.
"I just wanted to announce that I will not race in 2001. I`ve been thinking about this very carefully, but my decision is final.
There are two major reasons why I came to this conclusion. One is that I`ve got exams coming up in April and I don`t know yet what`s going to happen after that (maybe civil service). I just don`t want to quit driving in the middle of the season. The other reason is, that my friend Matthias, who owned the Feilerfuf team, is no longer in this league (I totally understand and agree with the removal of his team, there are other team managers whose will to participate is stronger).
I don`t leave this championship in an angry way. Dan and everybody else is doing a great job running this championship. I wish you all the best for the future."