In an unexpected press-conference hosted today in Athens Hilton Hotel, Athanasios Brinias driver of Red Arrows made the following statement at the reporters:
"During the 2000 season I was one of the first people who contacted Dan Lawrence and ask him to be a part of his interesting idea of a virtual GP3 championship. You can say that I was here from day one and Dan can surely say that also. I was here through the tough times of former Devils Racing, now known as Red Arrows, and through some problems-misunderstandings with my friend and boss Peter Kent. Well, all the 2000 people who know me, know that I tried to be "a professional" in this championship, a gentleman in and out of the track, a patient and consistent man. Also they know that I did not talk much -not because I wasnt much online- and that I always said few and good words. Actually, this is my first press-release during the life of GPVWC!"
"During the past year and continuing this year I have been trying to obtain my diploma in Physics at the University of Athens. This is really important to me and has put an enormous amount of pressure on me. In 2000 season I have tried to combine both tasks -studying hard and racing for Red Arrows- but in that helped the fact that we were racing 50%. This year my obligations towards my degree have become more, but unfortunately the same has happen with GPVWC since now we are racing 100%. I was hoping that 50% would remain the same this season and also had higher expectations for this season since I abandoned the keyboard and invested on a wheel. I was on the limit with the keys and I hoped that with the wheel I would close the 2secs gap from the other drivers using wheels. Going through the trial race made me realize upon very careful consideration, that racing 100% required too much time and effort from my behalf, which would not be beneficial to my obligations towards my de! gree and my commitment towards Red Arrows and the GPVWC in general."
"So, I conclude with my decision to resign from driver of Red Arrows "
At this point the audience of reporters became worried and at the drivers eyes and voice one could see his melancholy. The driver went on:
"I know that this out of the blue decision is going to bring certain problems to my team and GPWC. Peter Kent, I would like to apologise for this and also for not having inform you about it in advance. I hope you understand my decision, and also that a replacement will be found soon for the upcoming race. I would like to apologize to Dan and the stuff for the timing of this decision, but its hard for me as it is already. I would like to thank everyone and especially Dan and Peter, and ensure both of them that I will keep in touch and keep my interest in this championship. Also good luck to all the teams and drivers in the upcoming beginning of the season and the rest of it. I enjoyed myself driving, talking to interesting and good people and I will continue doing so but not from the front row as the previous season".
Athanasios then got up from his chair and after talking some more with some of the reporters inside the hotel, greeted all of them, headed towards his Alfa Romeo in the hotels driveway and drove away. Rumour has it that a future comeback could be in order.