November 21, 2001
In the last two days there have been many pointless posts/threads started which in my view should not have been.

I would like to ask all forum members to refrain from making these kind of pointless posts.

It is no fun for any member to log onto the forum to find a pile of garbage to the end of the day the forum was put there to have meaningful discussions based on the GPVWC and related matters.

Please can you abide by the following forum rules;

No Abuse / Bad language

No Advertising

No Pointless posting!

The forum will be a much nicer place to visit if the above is followed.

This is not to say you can't post on certain items/topics...but posts such as:

"thats very true BUT i am just bloody bored!"

"is this a bloody pub or what??? GET SOME DAMN ALCAHOL IN!!!!!!!! "

are totally out of order...