After a Free Practice session that saw 5 out of 8 teams taking the track, the GPVWC is now about to get down to real business. It is now time for the first Qualifying session of the year! Quals will begin at 00.00 on Wednesday 16th of April and finish at 23.59 on Thursday 17th. Here are some instructions on how to complete the qualifying session successfully; as usual, in case of any doubt do not hesitate to contact
As in Free Practice, the game has to be set up with the 9.6 patch and the latest version (3.92) of GPxPatch. GPxPatch has to be loaded with the Qualifying Performance File, Physics and GP4.exe included in the RAR file available HERE. Warning: these files are different from those used in Free Practice, so make sure you're using the correct ones!
Qualifying has to be completed in Free Practice mode, with CUSTOM WEATHER set to 0% chance of rain. Drivers will need to click the "TL-CODE" button on the right column of the website (next to the results) and enter their Paddock Pass in order to receive their TL Code, which they need to enter in the performance file in place of their team's engine. The allocated time to complete qualifying is 20 minutes.
Drivers will compete with race setup and fuel: the amount of fuel with which they'll return to the pits at the end of their qualifying attempt will be carried on to the race.
After qualifying is over, the driver will save his game and his hotlap with this format: TEAM_NAME_AUS_Q and zip it in a file named in the same way, before sending them to