The GPVWC Administration is happy to announce that applications for new teams are open for the 2013 GPVWC Supercup.
The GPVWC Administration is looking for a committed, high-quality team to join the GPVWC's second-tier Championship, the stepping stone tothe GPVWC Superleague.
Candidate teams should follow this process:
Register the team's interest via the specific button in the "General" menu in the log in area (if they haven't done so already).
Send an email to with the following information:
Team Name
Manager Name
A brief text explaining why GPVWC should choose your team for the 2013 GPVWC Supercup
Whether the team, if unsuccessful in this bid, would like a slot in the 2013 GPVWC Formula Challenge
The deadline for applications is October 24th, 2012. Incomplete applications (no email, missing information) will be discarded.
The grids for the 2013 GPVWC Superleague and GPVWC Supercup will be announced at the 2012 GPVWC Day on November 25th.