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"Unfortunately technical problems have hit the team hard, particularly our tame racing driver Teemu Toikka. Some say that he fell into a spike pit while on a Death Run in training, and that he can't set foot in the Woods car without causing it to spontaneously combust. All we know is that he won't be available for Hungary. Ben Warren will be in the car instead and we're confident that he'll have more luck than in Melbourne a month ago. Will Tringas will deputise in Free Practice.
"The subject of luck has been a sore one so far this season. We qualified really well at the Austrian Grand Prix but Teemu's car was caught in an avoidable incident and Mark was stuck behind it too. Ben's had technical problems as well and this has hindered our preparation for the race. Our car is extraordinarily well developed compared to some of our rivals but we've struggled to get anywhere near where we should be, often through no fault of our own. We certainly don't deserve to be eleventh in the Constructors' Championship and I hope we can turn this around soon. It's going to get tougher with the other cars and engine developers catching up and talented drivers coming in."