The Team Launches start tomorrow, with BA Racing unveiling their 2002 challenger.
Here are the updated launch dates
Mon 18th Feb: > BA Racing
Tues 19th Feb: > Jonk GP
Weds 20th Feb: > VACANT SLOT ... > Email me if u want this slot!
Thurs 21st Feb: > Mapes-VO
Fri 22nd Feb: > Dizzo
Sat 23rd Feb: > Hernj-Roaldo
Sun 24th Feb: > DPI Racing
Mon 25th Feb: > MCR & CVRT
Tues 26th Feb: > MaMa Racing
Weds 27th Feb: > Mommark
Thurs 28st Feb: > KRB
The qualifying session in Australia will kick off on the 25th! if ANY teams have their launch stuff ready - send it to ASAP...and I will get it online before your allocated dates.