A new name, a new look; but the same undying spirit of competition.
Since 2013, we have aimed to give new drivers a chance to shine, an ideology we follow to this day. We have also given some more experienced faces a new, laid back atmosphere. Drivers like Matt Richards, Nicolas Hillebrand, Patrick Wannemuller, Cameron Brewster, Tomeu Cabrer and Roy Verzijl have used this to show what they are truly capable of in competition.
From 2018, as our identity changes, our goals will remain the same - to continue our challenge to the top of the GPVWC Career Ladder, and take on the best that Superleague can offer. To give GPVWC's rising stars the platform they need to prove themselves. To allow drivers a laid back, stress-free atmosphere where they can unlock their potential.
It has always been a philosophy of ours that one must enjoy something to succeed at it. Enjoyment, to us, is paramount to success, and we will certainly enjoy the next stage of our life as a team.
Cosmo Seiki Japan. The name on the door might be different, but the heart remains the same.