I am going to be moving the 'Press Office' into the 'Members Only' section of the website over the next few days. This is because I think it is best that only registered league drivers and managers use it. At the moment I am receiving a lot of press releases from ppl who are not even in the GPVWC....and there is little point in placing them on the site.
At present, The 'Members Only' section is accessable by Team Managers only, as the only features within this section are for Team Managers eyes only ....However, with the press office being integrated into this section I have decided that it would be a better idea to put the driver 'file upload' feature in there aswell...keeping it 'locked' up so to speak and away from non league members who may abuse it.
The short of it is - every league member will have access to the member section, team managers AND drivers. Although drivers still won't have access to the confidential team information, such as the bank account etc....
What I need from EVERY league member is:
which should be mailed to: dan@formula1sims.com asap..
I'll still keep the press office on the main navigation for about 7 days or so....or until every league member has forwarded their user/pass.