The GPVWC Governing Body announced today that Pedro Daniel Miguel has been given a 1 race suspended ban after breaking the GPVWC's cornering rule in the last 3 Grand Prix.
The penalty means that Miguel is 'on probation' for the next 4 Grand Prix, if he does not break the rule he will not be punished, however if he does break the rule - the suspended ban will be excercised and he will be banned from competing in the next Grand Prix.
The Governing Body started looking into this case immediately after the San Marino Grand Prix, where Miguel was given a Stop/Go Penalty for cutting a corner during his race, the 3rd occurance in as many races.
Newly elected Governing Body member, Danny Regan, summed up the penalty:
"I believe that it's the Governing Body's duty to ensure that there is an even playing field for all competitors and it is unfair that, when the majority of drivers are racing and qualifying within the rules to allow a driver to submit a lap outside those rules. I truly hope that this gives Miguel the message that we will not accept any illegal activities and he sticks to them during his probation and in the future as I'd hate to see any competitor banned."
While this could be seen as a harsh punishment, the Governing Body stressed that it had to be done.
"We have 22 racing drivers in the GPVWC", Dan Lawrence stated, "and 21 of these drivers do not have a problem with sticking to the cornering rules. If one driver is seen to be breaking these rules, and on a conisistent basis, I think it is vocal to the fact that there is no respect in place for the Governing Body OR the GPVWC Administration. We are here to make this fun for everybody, and do not take lightly to having our time wasted pursuing such matters as this, especially 3 races in a row!"
It later emerged that the team asked Miguel to 'cruise' his qualifying lap at Imola, as a stand to the recent penalties given. A view which the Governing Body also found unnaceptable.
"No driver is bigger than the competition itself, regardless of speed.", Lawrence added, "We are not here to give rules that are made a mockery of in this way."