After reading a GPVWC Press Release earlier, Robert Filipe was not a happy man. After calming down, he decided to tell us his side of the story.
"People reading the press release may think that I'm the kind of guy who fails to do his job. Well I'm not. I was told by the team manager that no testing was scheduled for Silverstone, so I grabbed my bags and came back to spain to continue my preparation for the F3000 race."
We heard that this misunderstanding was originated in the confusion surrounding the management change, and when we asked Robert what his thoughts were, he replied, "It's not my job to worry about that. I'm here to test the car and help the team improve, and I do so in everychance I get. If I was to get a call from Malisani saying he wanted me in silverstone, I would say done."
We then asked him how he was getting along with the new management; "I don't know Malisani, and we've spoken just one time, but Kim has shown he trusts him so I will be following his instructions."
We also heard rumours about Roberts times in spain being very close to Dan Lawrence.
"I expect to come in 4th, seen that the first 3 spots are already taken and no more than 4 usually run. However this time, more drivers may participate, so you never know. Everybody knows I'm a slow driver.
What I'm really looking forward to is meeting Kim on the track. I have seen him drive, and although he's been slower than me I still think he's only doing it to keep my morale up."
The future of KRB looks shaky, but only time will tell if the winds will change... and we will be here to report it.