Mapes-VO continued there 2002 campaign with yet another brilliant performance from their two world class Drivers. Mikko Jakonen scored another podium for the team, scoring what has been quoted as 'best of the rest' position once again.
Irish driver Kieran Ryan was 7th, although personally disappointed it is believed the team are fine with it and think it was a great drive non-the-less.
"Kieran had a good drive, I dont see any reason why he should be bummed down.... Mikko was amazing (again) and I dont know how we can stop him.. not that we want to... another AMAZING performance from the team, one which we will continue to work on as the season progresses."
Mapes-VO look ahead to Monaco with a optimistic outlook; "For the first time this season I think I will put my neck out and say I hope for something good. Kieran loves the place for some reason and is really hyped up over it. Mikko is less optimistic but I dont know what he is going to do as he always suprises himself anyway!"
Finally the team would like to dispell any rumour that team Principle Matt Maple is dead, he is very much alive and has gone to the lengths of sending Kieran Ryan a stripper round to cheer him up about his result in 7th; "I wasn't dead last time I checked, just kinda like NOT HERE! I don't know whats going to happen, we neglected a lot of minor paperwork at the start of the season as we were so busy getting a car made, I am catching up with it and peter has been acting as Technical Director for the time being".