Once again Mapes-VO showed their great performance. A lot of happy faces in the Mapes-VO garage. Also a lot of happy Honda people.... While team manager Matt Maple is still in England, Peter van Oostende gives his comment on qualifying and a prediction for the upcoming race [and makes his usual references to ...yep! you guessed it! ...COFFEE!]
"Man what a great performance today. Everything went quite smooth, the team really worked as a team is supposed to. Kieran on 4th and Mikko 5th, I'm very happy with this result. They both drove an amazing qualifying today. Our Irish driver was very happy finally to be in front of that Flying Finn!"
"Right now the guys are watching the tapes of the qualifying session. Seeing where they can gain some time and where they lose some compared to the other drivers."
"And for the race, well this is the GP where we can show our real performance, because engine power is of less importance and the fact is that with the current unit we can't keep up with the BMW's and Ferrari's, but here in Monaco it's a different story. With a good start and if we survive the first corner I think we will rock at this GP! So if we want to go home with a lot of points and maybe even 3 cups, this is the place where we should do it!"
"The happy honda people? Well, hehe, I can't give much comment on that, only that things are looking very, very bright."
"Why was I so angry this morning? Well...what do you expect if the coffee machine is broken! I have to walk all the way to the paddock now to get some coffee at our motorhome."