During the off-season, Kieran Ryan, a former Mapes-VO Honda driver, decided to sign for one of his favoured options, KRB Ferrari.
So far, without any testing completed, Kieran has had very positive words to say about his new team: ''The team is very committed, we can see that. The team has been totally restructured for the 2003 season, with a realistic shot of the titles. Kim is a VERY intelligent manager. He wants the best from us, but knows it's going to be a hard thing to achieve with the competiton facing us for 2003.
"Adam Wright, my new team mate, is certainly fast, and he's shown that from the testing he's done so far. I have spoken to him on a few occassions and he's ready to learn and push hard. We both have our targets in sight, and only with 100% commitment, which we will have, could be possible have a shot at the 2003 title. This guy is very fast."
"In regards David and Gilly, personally I haven't spoken to either enough, but I do get the sense of excitment to be a part of this great team. I'm sure they'll get their turns in 2003, and they'll do us proud.
"My holiday time, is almost over, and I should be back at the wheel of the KRB 2003 very soon. I have being doing some skating, which was tremendous fun and something to be repeated. I can't wait to strech my legs in January, if there's room in the cockpit!"